Wednesday 20 April 2011

National Aquatic Centre

Yesterday Sam and Laura took us to the National Aquatic Centre.  Sollie and Emma went down two long hydroslides, they were lots of fun.


Today we took a field trip to Glendalough.  It is a place of ancient ruins from the 16th and 17th century.  We walked around the lake there.  It was very beautiful.  Here are some pics:

We also went to 'Hollywood' for lunch.  It was a tiny village where we had a yummy lunch at the local pub.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Viking Splash

We caught the train from Manooth to Dublin.  It was a fun adventure.  It took quite a while, but we finally made it into Dublin.

Then we walked to St Stephens Green for our Viking Splash tour.  We hopped on the DUCW, which was a bus that went on land and in water.  We toured all over Dublin.  We saw statues and heaps of places.  It was cool.  Then we took the train home.

Here's a photo of the viking splash tour.

Fort Lucan

 on sunday we went to fort lucan I went on a water slide ziggy was to scered to go on it there were too big slides  (sollie).

Sunday 17 April 2011

Wedding pics

The wedding was incredible.
Here are some pics...Ziggy and Sollie were the best pageboys ever!

Thursday 14 April 2011

10 Pin Bowling

Today I drove to Naas where we all went 10 pin bowling.  The roads were very narrow and there were lots of little stone bridges!  Poppa was the winner at 10 pin bowling!

This morning (Thursday) we are off on the 2.5 hour journey to Castle Leslie at Monaghan.  Road Trip!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Family pics

We picked Paul up from Dublin airport this morning - here are some pics.
Also of Sam's place...

Ziggy emailing Daddy

Flash boys

Here are some recent pics...

Ziggy wearing new Ireland football clothes
Sollie in his new shirt

Big Day Out

Day 5

yesterday we went to the shoping mall. Ther were lots of stalls there.    We went to one stall. We looked and looked  no wedding clothes but i found an irish te-shirt  and shorts cargo pants. Then we went to the next shop and i saw a shirt, waistcoat and tie. Then we had KFC i had street wise MEGA BUCKET i ate it all up. After that we went to the toy shop i got lego pharaohs quest. Then we got an ice cream with,sprinkles, marshmello and a flake. We went home and had dinner wached tv and went to bed  by ziggy.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Day 4

We drove to villages named Tallagh, Celbridge and Terenure getting measured for suits for Ziggy and Sollie. 

 We discovered a little cafe upstairs in Celbridge.  It was a local dive.  There were some  characters inside! 

A man went meepmeep like road runner. (Sollie)

I had a big sleep  in the car  and then poppa carried me out of the car and then i wached tv and then i had dinner and i went to sleep.  (Ziggy)

I went to the Celbridge Library and bought a book for one euro.  It was a book I've been wanting to read for ages, called How to look at stars.

We trailed around Ikea, it was enormous and nauseating.

The jet lag is fading after another early night.  We have all been very tired!

Monday 11 April 2011

Aotearoa House

Day 3
Finally we arrive at Heathrow Airport in London.  It has been a long flight and we are so happy to arrive.  We eat brekky in an airport cafĂ© before getting on the Air Lingus plane to Dublin.  Just as we board, my nose begins to bleed and does not stop until we are airborne.
Sollie gets a windowseat and enjoys the view.  ‘London is very big Mum’ he says.
Nay and Poppa are six rows in front of this and Sollie can see Poppa looking out the window too.
Sam and Laura are waiting at Dublin Airport with two big bunches of flowers and great big hugs for everyone.
Laura takes us home in the big black car.  It is a beautiful sunny day.  Their home is gorgeous.  We enjoy a tour then settle in on the comfy bed and sleep for the rest of the day and all night too.

In the morning we read Captain Underpants in bed. We watched sky tv.  (by sollie) when we got there sam showed us around the place.
Sollie and I played rugby and darts with sam in the backyard.  We had lunch and then Ollie (the cat) came to see us when we were eating lunch.  Then we played in the gym and then we watched tv upstairs and then we fell asleep.  (by ziggy)

In Transit

Day Two
We are on the aeroplane, on route to Singapore.  All of a sudden Sollie rushes to the toilet and throws up.  Poor Sollie.  His face is white as a ghost and he doesn’t feel well at all.  The flight attendants sprinkle some special powder on the vomit.  It makes it stop smelling.  Then it becomes all grainy and sandy, and the flight attendant scoops it up with a special shovel.  Then she puts a mat over the cleaned up area, so no one walks in it.
Sollie feels better after Singapore.  He settles back on the plane and goes to sleep.  Ziggy sleeps too.  We are on our way from Singapore to London when all of a sudden, Ziggy starts to be sick!  I quickly grab a plastic cup from the seat pocket.  Then a sick bag.  Poor Ziggy is sick just like Sollie was on the last flight.
We have one more flight to go.  I hope no one else will be sick.

Sollie Wheels The Bag Down Dublin Airport Concourse

Ziggy the Traveler

Favourite things:
Ziggy: watching movies – Narnia the voyage of the dawn treader
Sollie: the first dinner, with mashed potato, hummus, chicken and cheese.
Emma: watching Black Swan, Burlesque, and writing my frying pan story.

At Auckland Airport

Ireland Adventure Begins

Day One
9 April 2011
We woke at 5.30am in our twin double beds at Bella Vista Ventura Airport hotel.  ‘Hey guys?’  I say.  ‘We’re going to Ireland!’ they reply.   This is our in-joke – we’ve been saying it all the way.
Last night we set off at the end of a bittersweet day.  A happy and a sad day, as Ziggy said, as it was Darcy’s Nana’s funeral as well as the day we left for our exciting adventure.  We played general knowledge quiz questions all the way to McDonalds at Bombay.  We went through the drive-thru and ate our dinner in the car, on the motorway.
We arrived at the airport hotel late at night.
After breakfast we went to the fitness room and now we are watching tele and eating bags of crackers from the vending machine up the hall.  It is holidays so Mum doesn’t mind.

Ziggy and Sollie in transit

Soon we will go to the airport and meet Nay and Poppa there.  How exciting!
Favourite things:
Sollie: staying up late and checking out the hotel.
Ziggy: staying up late and having dinner at mcdonalds.
Emma: getting organised and arriving safely